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Zombie Horde (2011) aka Zombie Apocalypse: Redemption Review


They’re coming!

Directed by Ryan Thompson

Starring Johnny Gel as John Knox, Fred Williamson as Moses, Dan Lang as Doc Potter, Alicia Clark as Sarah, Jerry Lynch as Rome, Tommy Beardmore as Lucas, Tokkyo Faison as Lawrence, Angelique Sky as Cienfuegos, Joseph Scott Anthony as Robert, Vong Lee as Hawkins and Didrik Davis as Billy.

John Knox is dumped handcuffed in the desert and left to die so he pisses on his bandanna and puts it on his head, using it to protect himself from the sun, must’ve been in the S.A.S. or something. Anyway, he runs out of piss but luckily finds a campsite where there’s a zombie (..and he ain’t roasting marshmallows! ba dum tss). Knox is rescued by a group of survivors led by Moses. However, a band of ex-military survivors, raiders. who Knox was involved with, are after Knox, their leader, Rome, wants him dead. The plot is mostly just an excuse for the action as the two sides and of course the zombies duke it out.

OK, I found this pretty entertaining. It isn’t Romero or Fulci standard by a long way and the other reviews I’ve read are anything but favourable. I must’ve just been expecting something far worse. Hey, I might just enjoy World of the Dead: The Zombie Diaries (2011) after all. The acting isn’t the best I’ve ever seen but I thought it was OK; I’m that used to bad acting it didn’t bother me I suppose. Fred Williamson stands out as Moses. The special effects aren’t top-notch either, some very dodgy C.G.I. and some stuff that was OK. One scene was pretty shocking and took me completely by surprise, quite nasty actually. There is some gore, just not enough. The zombies aren’t the best zombies either and at times run around like regular folks and there just aren’t enough of them for the most part. It’s a kind of action-zombie film and far from perfect but I just enjoyed it, I certainly didn’t find it boring and I don’t feel like I was ripped off for a fiver. Hell, I even ordered Zombie Apocalypse (2010) to see what that’s like and there’s a short called Zombie Apocalypse: Chronicles – Raider Recon (2011), whatever that is, a spin-off I think.

Anyway, now I’m going to piss on this DVD and put it on my head.

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