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Prom Night III: The Last Kiss (1990) ~ Uncut

Dying for a good time? Call Mary Lou.

Directed by Ron Oliver and Peter R. Simpson.

Written by Ron Oliver.


France: Dernier baiser avant l’enfer

Courtney Taylor takes over the role of Mary Lou Maloney, previously Lisa Schrage, for this third instalment of the series.

This one starts with Mary Lou breaking out of Hell, using a nail file to saw through her chains. She immediately returns to Hamilton High School and kills the janitor, Jack (Terry Doyle), by electrocuting him with a jukebox.

While reopening the school gymnasium the principal, Mr. Weatherall (Roger Dunn), cuts off one of his fingers while cutting through the ribbon.

Average student Alex Grey (Tim Conlon) is seduced by Mary Lou when he goes to Hamilton High one evening to get his books. Alex already has a girlfriend, Sarah Monroe (Cynthia Preston), but that doesn’t stop him. The next day he sees a photo of Mary Lou in a newspaper article saying she was burned to death in a freak accident (see Hello Mary Lou: Prom Night II). Mary Lou comes to him again in a vision when he’s doing a test. When the teacher, Mr. Walker (George Chuvalo) gives him an F, Mary Lou changes it to an A and kills Mr. Walker, first announcing herself as Alex’s new girlfriend. When Alex shows up Mary Lou convinces him to hide the body.

Alex continues his affair with Mary Lou and she helps him become a success on the football team and go to the top of the honor roll. Guidance counselor Miss Richards (Lesley Kelly) becomes suspicious of Alex’s sudden success but interfering with Mary Lou’s plans turns out to be a very bad idea for her (battery acid).

Alex is not happy with Mary Lou killing people but he can’t seem to resist her charms so he buries Miss Richards, along with Mr. Walker, under the football field. However, another murder motivates him to break up with Mary Lou which really pisses her off.

Prom night is approaching and Alex wants to make up with Sarah which makes Mary Lou jealous.

Prom Night III: The Last Kiss is a comedy horror film. Definitely make sure you watch the uncut version to enjoy all the gory bits as there are a couple of versions around, especially if you’re buying it. It’s a really good film, albeit a wacky one played for laughs, and fans of the second one will probably enjoy it. It’s never boring. Like the second film it’s inventive and entertaining throughout but Hello Mary Lou: Prom Night II is the better film. Courtney Taylor is great (and sexy) as the new Mary Lou and Tim Conlon is very good as Alex. Good fun overall.

Also stars London Juno as Leah Grey, Dylan Neal as Andrew Douglas and Jeremy Ratchford as Leonard Welsh.

Prom Night series:

Prom Night (1980)

Hello Mary Lou: Prom Night II (1987)

Prom Night III: The Last Kiss (1990)

Prom Night IV: Deliver Us from Evil (1992)

Prom Night (2008)

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