The most BEAUTIFUL time of year is coming! YES HALLOWEEN!
Which means blood and guts shall be EVERYWHERE !
So why don’t we spend that day covered in blood and GORE! Here’s a quick tutorial on how to create a Skinned Alive ! Enjoy ….
You will need:
>Cotton buds
>Dark purple, light purple and yellow eyeshadow
>Fake blood
>Toilet paper
> Red cream paint
>Mixture of flour and water
1) Using the mixture of flour and water create a shredded skin look on your hand
2) Start creating a bruise with dark, light purple and yellow on your forearm
3) Place the 5 cotton buds on your hand so they match your fingers
4) Using red paint cover the paper
5) Add some fake blood
Now Scare The SH*T out of your FRIENDS ! 😀