Friday the 13th (1980-2009) Series Review

For Halloween 2024 I've decided to finally watch one of my favourite horror series, Friday the 13th, in order including the 2009 remake. I won't...

Halloween (1978-2002) Series Review

It is Halloween 2023 and time for a series review. I'm doing what I deem to be the original run of Halloween before the...

Child’s Play/Jeepers Creepers/Hellraiser (2019-2022) Reboot Reviews

Child's Play/Jeepers Creepers/Hellraiser (2019-2022) Reboot Reviews It's Hallowe'en 2022 so let's torture myself by watching some films from the movie industry's current obsession, which is...

Alien & Aliens (1979-1986) review

Alien (1979) Review "Bring back life form. Priority One. All other priorities rescinded."   What can be said about Alien that hasn't already been said? I don't know, I hadn't...

DeadPost Originals

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Inside (2007) ~ Review by Chris

Directed by Alexandre Bustillo and Julien Maury. Stars Alysson Paradis as Sarah and Béatrice Dalle as The Woman. Also stars Jean-Baptiste Tabourin as Matthieu, Nathalie Roussel as Louise and François-Régis Marchasson as Jean-Pierre. OK, first thing...

V/H/S (2012) Review

Horror anthologies offer an outlet for filmmakers to shine in short form, oftentimes lending life to ideas that otherwise might not have made it...

Arrow October 2017 Upcoming Releases

Here are the upcoming releases for October 2017 from Arrow Video. A bloody good selection. As the nights draw in, it just means more time to...

Burnt Offerings [1976]

Up the ancient stairs, behind the locked door, something lives, something evil, from which no one has ever returned. Directed by Dan Curtis Reviewed by Deep...

Nightmare [1981]

Someone left the door to HELL open... Directed by Romano Scavolini Reviewed by Deep Red Aka Nightmares in a Damaged Brain aka Blood Splash aka Schizo Nightmare was...

Makeup Tutorials

Halloween Makeup Tutorial !

Hey there GORE FREAKS ! The most BEAUTIFUL time of year is coming! YES HALLOWEEN! Which means blood and guts shall be EVERYWHERE ! So why don’t...

Halloween Makeup Tutorial !

Hey there GORE FREAKS ! The most BEAUTIFUL time of year is coming! YES HALLOWEEN! Which means blood and guts shall be EVERYWHERE ! So why don’t...

Halloween Makeup Tutorial !

Hey there GORE FREAKS ! The most BEAUTIFUL time of year is coming! YES HALLOWEEN! Which means blood and guts shall be EVERYWHERE ! So why don’t...